Sunday, 30 July 2017


pomegranate efficacy has been proven through scientific research by the american journal of clinical nutrition. drinking pomegranate juice is proven to prevent oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol thanks to abudant anti oxidant content in it.
by processing the pomegranate into fruit juice, you will get millions of benefits in it to the maximum and intact without diminishing one bit.
the pomegranate has at least 800 seeds in each fruit. in addition to the flesh, pomegranate seeds can also be eaten and has fiber and nutrients that are beneficial to health.
a study published in pediatric research found that drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy may help protect the newborn's brain after traumatic birth.

here is a list of pomegranate benefits for health, to obtain it to the maximum you can process it into fruit juice.
  • cleaning   the mouth, preventing plaque on the teeth, as well as overcoming bad breath because it contains anti bacterial substances.
  • clarify hoarseness and avoid dry throat for its ability to maintain body fluid balance.
  • pomegranate juice plays an important role in maintaining eye health so that vision remains awake sharpness.
  • solve the problem of worm infection (tapeworm, pinworm, or roundworm)
  • strengthens the heart and keeps the heart rate in normal condition.
  • improve immunity (immune) so as to reduce fever.
  • pomegranate is able to inhibit the development of HIV virus thanks to the abudant antioxidant and anticancer content
  • preventing arteriosclerosis is hardening of large blood vessels (arteries) to keep you from stroke and heart attacks .
  • prevents edema (edema) or swelling that is accumulation (swelling ) in the body area due to increased fluid in body tissues.
  • pomegranate juice is usefulto maintain  the sensitifity of nerves and muscles to function regularly.
  • efficacious to lower blood sugar (cholesterol) and high blood pressure.
  • eliminates fatigue in the muscles as well as facilitate itin moving.
  • for a women, pomegranates can maintain estrogen levels in the body thus helping to overcome the problems of  PMS and menopause 
pomegranates can be made into a very delicious juice,can be created with other fruits, such as melons, grapes, oranges, mangoes and other fruits as we wish, on this occasion i will share recipes how to make pomegranate juice that created with fruit- the one i mentioned earlier.

the first recipe is melon pomegranate juice, and how to make this juice is as follows.


  • 100 grams of melon, peeled diced
  • 50 grams of pomegranate, filter to get the water
  • 50 grams of grapefruit grass
  • 1 tablespoon sugar syrup
  • 1/2 cup of boiled water
how to make
  • mix the melon fruit, pomegranate water, sugar, syrup and boiled water.
  • put it into ablender glass, puree.pour into a serving cup. add the grapefruit grass . stir well and serve
pomegranate juice is beneficial to maintain heart health so that you avoid heart attack and coronary heart disease.

the second recipe is carrots and grape pomegranate juice, and the way is as follows

  • 100 grams of pomegranate
  • 100 grams of carrots
  • 100 grams of grapes fruits, remove the seeds
how to process it
  • puut all ingredients into juice extractor.process until the juice out
  • pour into glass, serve immediately while fresh
pomegranate juice is efficacious to keep the blood condition healhty so keep you from low blood pressure and anemia.

and the third recipe is the pomegranate juice with mango orange, and the way to make it is as follows

pomegranate juice combine orange and mango
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1 sweet orange
  • 50 grams of mango flesh
  • 100 ml boiled water
how to make
  • pomegranate fruit is picked only fruit, orange seed is removed
  • mix all ingredients, then blend until smooth
  • strain juice , pour into a glass serve when fresh
if posible, choose fresh fruit ingredients for the content of vitamins in it can be obtained optimally. this pomegranate juice recipe can also be used to treat dengue hemorrhagic fever.

how ? very easy not way to make pomegranate juice, you can create with fruit or other vegetables which you love, welcome to try
tanks have read these articles and how to use all reader.

Saturday, 29 July 2017


durian is the name of trpical plants originating from the region of southeast asia, as well as the name of the fruit that can be eaten. this name is derived from characteristic skin of his friut is hard and sharp curves that resemble a thorn. the popular title is "king of all fruits" ( king of fruit). durian is a controversial fruit. although many people love it, but others are sick with its aroma.

very delicious durian fruit is enjoyed instantly when it is cooked. the characteristic of the mature durian is it yellow and ordinary outer skin on cracked ends and a very strong scent. durian is also very tasty juice or mixed ice, in the cafes or on the side of the hawker very much  we meet the menu of various durian ice flavor variant.

at this time i will share about how to make ice durian. how to make this durian ice so easy that we can make ourselves at home without having to leave the house to be able to enjoy fresh fruit durian. let's try this ice durian  recipe, and the way is as follows.


  • 1 durian
  • 1 dragon fruit
  • 1 sachet jely
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 sachet of white milk
  • 1 boottle syrup
how to make ice durian
  • slice the dragon fruit
  • enter jely,avocado, and give ice water
  • and then enter the white sweetened condensed,l milk and red syrup
  • stirred 
  • serve

easy how to make ice fruit durian, with easy materials we can also how to make that very easy and simple. hopefully resipe how to make fruit juice is useful for the readers of all.
good luck.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

JUICE manggis

although it tastes bitter, mangosteen skin juice is believed to have tremendous health benefits. in fact, taking herbal medicine from mangosteen peel extract proved able to cure various types of diseases such as cancer, cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
medicinal preparations from mangosteen pells have their own advantages in the feld of beauty. the presence of a powerful xanthone compound prevents the accumulation of body fat so you avoid being overweight, while the abundant anti -oxidant substances in mangosteen skin extract are useful for overcoming the signs of aging such as wrinkles and black spots on the face.

to cultivate mangosteen skin into juice, tea and other health drinks, easy way you can make your own at home with simple equipment without spending a lot of money.

actually if you do not have much time, you can buy mangosteen skin extract products that are sold in health stores and online stores, as well as similar herbal preparations (eg soursop leaf extract) the content of useful substances in it is the same, most importantly read the rules of use carefully.
below will i share the recipe how to make mangosteen skin juice

  • mangosteen skin is still fresh
  • sweeteners like sugar java, palm sugar or honey
  • water is cooked to taste
  • ice cubes if necessary
  • take the fresh fruit skin and then scrape the inside of a white membrane like a thread. to simplify this process, choose fresh fruit skin or buy mangosteen fruit and then use the skin.
  • enter into blender with water, process until smooth. adjust the amount of water with the amount of mangosteen skin to minmize the bitter taste.
  • pour into a glass then add honey or java sugar that has been destroyed so that bitterness can be reduced. stirring for a while. to be fresher, serve by adding ice cubes on it.
note  : 
in order for the efficacy of mangosteen skin juice for healt can be absorbed optimally by the body, immediately drink your artificial juice, do not be left too long exposed to air and sunlight because it can reduce the nutritional value in it.
drink a small amount of mangosteen extract for  a few days. the goal is to see the reaction and familiarize the organs of the natural substances contained in it.
it should be noted everyone has different levels of acceptance and tolerance for foreign substances that enter the body. even did not rule out the body will reject the intake of foreign substances if it is not suitable and alternatively , you can buy mangosteen peel extract that has been packaged as an herbal medicine product. choose products that have been registered with the MOH or have a certivicate of the food and drug supervisory agency  .

Sunday, 23 July 2017


guava fruit is a fruit that  i really like, guava fruit we can enjoy directly when it is cooked or can be used as guava juice very delicious, guava fruit consists of various variants, there are red and white flesh also there, from all types of guava there so many vitamins are contained in it.

guava juice is very much liked by many people because it tastes quite delicious. in supermarket there are many drinks made from cashew, there are packaged in packs there are also fresh packed in plastic cups, relatively affordable prices also make this drink in demand in the market.

if we want to make their own juice is very easy and the results are more delicious and hygienic because we own it. in this article i will share my experience when yesterday i made my own guava juice at home. to make this guava juice ingredients that need to be prepared is as follows

  • 1 kg of cooked guava
  • sugar according to taste
  • enough water
  • ice cube
  • fruit blender
  • knife to slice
  • first slice the guava into several parts and then remove the seeds (if not removed as well as our taste)
  • insert a slice of guava into a blender
  • add ice cubesand granulated sugar and give a little water for maximum results are not too thick and not too thin.
  • blend all ingredients until soft
  • pour into a glass and serve
well finished already how to make guava juice is very simple and easy to practice at home,very suitable to be enjoyed in the cold.
so the article i share this time about how to make a delicious guava juice, may be useful and good luck.
that is all and thank you.

Saturday, 22 July 2017


soy milk? yes, soy milk is a very healthy beverage for our body because it contains many vitamins contained there in. which is very beneficial to the body, soy milk we meet in many supermarkets or store around us, the price is noot to expensive makes me like a drink type this, but make no mistake because this drink though cheap but no cheap because it contains nutrints that are beneficila to the health of the body, especially in times of thirst, hehehee (just kidding).

to be able to enjoy a glass of soy milk requires only 3000 rupiah, depending on the size of the plastic size provided by the seller, for your area may be more expensive or cheaper try?
if we want to make your own drinks in the way very easy, i will discuss below from the beginning of the manufacturing process until ready to drink 

how to make milk made from pure soybeans is very easy, where the nutritional content is no doubt.the process of making it very simple requires only the material in the form of soybeans and water, the water content is adjusted according tothe desired thickness. the addition of pandanus or vanilla, sugar and salt commonly used to minimize the taste of soybeans. while in an effort to increase the efficacy and produce a deliciuous taste and variety, ussulay also added with ingredients such as lemongras, ginger cloves, cinnamon, cocoa powder, tea powder and so forth.

the basic process of making your own pure milk

  • wash soya beans with clean water then soak 10 hours or overnight until the size is enlarged and tender
  • clean the skin out. enter in a soybean blender with water approximately 1:3 if 1 bowl of soybean mixed with 3 bowls of water.
  • blend until smooth and then strain with a white cloth or gauze or filter with a small hole. can also be done blender and repeated filtering of 3 parts of water to sare more soybeans out
  • the next is boiling which aims to sterilize form germ,aroma, increase the efficacy for the body and reduce the smell of soybean is still not good aroma, boil over medium heat while stirring to prevent milk from breaking. at this boiling we can add ingredients as desired,such as pandan leaves or vanilla, ginger , chocolate powder, sugar, a litle salt or other. if using vanilla do not mostly include vanilla, will cause bitterness. this dring is suitable to serve while warm or lightened first in the refrigerator.
here's one of the delicious and simple soy milk recipe creations.

ingredients :
  • 250 grams of soybeans, wash clean
  • 1.5 liter of water
  • 150 gram of sugar
  • 3 pieces of pandan leaves, tie
  • 3 peaces of orange leaf
  • soak the soya with warm water overnight. after bloom, was and remove the out skin soya
  • blend with water until smooth and then strain
  • boiled with fire is mixed with sugar, pandan leaves and orange leave. stir constantly until boiling, keep from overflowing
  • after cold filter with clean cotton cloth.
  • serve warm or cold to taste.

how? it is very easy how to make milk from soybeans themselves, because make soy milk itself is also delicious also higienic. this drink can be enjoyed when warm or cold according to our taste.
good luck to practice it in our kitchen.


banana chocolate is a very good roadside snack to enjoy with a cup of tea / coffe in the morning or afternoon. this snack often we met in wheelbarrow side street, i also really like this type of  food , but delicious and delicious, the price is also relatively cheap. whith the price of 500 rupiah per one/pieces or depends on the size and size of the chocolate banana served by the seller.
if you have liitle time to learn how to make this delicious meal, i will share the recipe and how to make it, because making chocolate bananas takes several steps and ingredients to be prepared, the ingredients that must be prepared are the skin of spring rolls as a banana wrapper later in the making process.
and techniques about the procedure of making this spring roll skin i will give for you guys. and tosave time because i'm sure you can not wait to see how and what mateials are needed.
the first is to make skin sprng rolls, the way is as follows.

dry spring rolls  leather recipe material
  • 100 gram wheat flour
  • 1 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 50 ml of cooking oil
  • enough water (+/- 200 ml/ 1 cup
how to make spring rolls for chocolate banana and various frying
  • disolve salt on a glass of water, stirring. make sure the salt is completely dissolved completely. set aside.
  • prepare the container , put the flour and egg whites, knead using hands until the dough is clumped and slightly dull.
  • this is the most important step. pour a little salt water (which we made) on the dough, knead again until the texture is evenly distributed.
  • do it over and over until the texture of the dough can be poured but not too thin.
  • this process aims to form fibers in the dough, if water is poured all directly on the dough then the dough will not have fiber. the result, lumpia skin will be easily torn even can be broken / broken because it becomes brittle or not flexible.
  • finally, pour the cooking oil on the dough and stir it evenly.
  • up here the dough is ready 
  • prepare a nonstick flat skillet
  • heat a skillet over a low heat
  • prepare a special brush of food that has dimensions quite wide, approximately as big as the palm of the hand.
  • dip the brush on the dough and then apply on the surface of the flat pan and form a circle.
  • do not apply over the fire yes, so that the dough evenly. raise the skillet first and then apply the dough. just estimate the thickness, do not be too thick too not too thin. size of the right thickness we will get after several tries.
  • put the pan again on the stove and let the spring roll until cooked and dry. characteristically, the skin of spring rolls has started to peel and lift.
  • remove the spring rolls and leave to cool. if it is dry enough, the lumpia skin can be stacked directly. but if it is still a bit moist and sticky worry, sprinkle the surface thinly using wheat flour. leather lumpia is now ready for use.


  • sufficient leather ready spring wear
  • sufficient banana kepok
  • 1 pack of ceres chocolate
  • to taste cheese
  • sufficient oil for frying
step to make banana chocolate
  • take 1 piece of ready- made spring rool skin
  • sprinkle meises ceres on the edge of the skin on one side only, then place the banana that has been halved on it. sprinkle meises ceres over bananas.
  • fold the skin like when folding risol. try meeting so meises ceres do not fall
  • fry in oil that has been heated until the color is cooked
  • simple chocolate banana easy to enkoy, hmmm very delicious , you can try it.
after step by step i have described, from how to make the skin lumpia/ spring roolsto the process of making the banana chocolate above, you can practice it yourself at home, or maybe will open a fried food stall this menu is very suitable to be developed because this type of food very much enthusiasts, hopefully this article useful for you all, and thank you for visiting this blog.
good luck

by deva..