Saturday 22 July 2017


soy milk? yes, soy milk is a very healthy beverage for our body because it contains many vitamins contained there in. which is very beneficial to the body, soy milk we meet in many supermarkets or store around us, the price is noot to expensive makes me like a drink type this, but make no mistake because this drink though cheap but no cheap because it contains nutrints that are beneficila to the health of the body, especially in times of thirst, hehehee (just kidding).

to be able to enjoy a glass of soy milk requires only 3000 rupiah, depending on the size of the plastic size provided by the seller, for your area may be more expensive or cheaper try?
if we want to make your own drinks in the way very easy, i will discuss below from the beginning of the manufacturing process until ready to drink 

how to make milk made from pure soybeans is very easy, where the nutritional content is no doubt.the process of making it very simple requires only the material in the form of soybeans and water, the water content is adjusted according tothe desired thickness. the addition of pandanus or vanilla, sugar and salt commonly used to minimize the taste of soybeans. while in an effort to increase the efficacy and produce a deliciuous taste and variety, ussulay also added with ingredients such as lemongras, ginger cloves, cinnamon, cocoa powder, tea powder and so forth.

the basic process of making your own pure milk

  • wash soya beans with clean water then soak 10 hours or overnight until the size is enlarged and tender
  • clean the skin out. enter in a soybean blender with water approximately 1:3 if 1 bowl of soybean mixed with 3 bowls of water.
  • blend until smooth and then strain with a white cloth or gauze or filter with a small hole. can also be done blender and repeated filtering of 3 parts of water to sare more soybeans out
  • the next is boiling which aims to sterilize form germ,aroma, increase the efficacy for the body and reduce the smell of soybean is still not good aroma, boil over medium heat while stirring to prevent milk from breaking. at this boiling we can add ingredients as desired,such as pandan leaves or vanilla, ginger , chocolate powder, sugar, a litle salt or other. if using vanilla do not mostly include vanilla, will cause bitterness. this dring is suitable to serve while warm or lightened first in the refrigerator.
here's one of the delicious and simple soy milk recipe creations.

ingredients :
  • 250 grams of soybeans, wash clean
  • 1.5 liter of water
  • 150 gram of sugar
  • 3 pieces of pandan leaves, tie
  • 3 peaces of orange leaf
  • soak the soya with warm water overnight. after bloom, was and remove the out skin soya
  • blend with water until smooth and then strain
  • boiled with fire is mixed with sugar, pandan leaves and orange leave. stir constantly until boiling, keep from overflowing
  • after cold filter with clean cotton cloth.
  • serve warm or cold to taste.

how? it is very easy how to make milk from soybeans themselves, because make soy milk itself is also delicious also higienic. this drink can be enjoyed when warm or cold according to our taste.
good luck to practice it in our kitchen.

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