Tuesday, 25 July 2017

JUICE manggis

although it tastes bitter, mangosteen skin juice is believed to have tremendous health benefits. in fact, taking herbal medicine from mangosteen peel extract proved able to cure various types of diseases such as cancer, cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
medicinal preparations from mangosteen pells have their own advantages in the feld of beauty. the presence of a powerful xanthone compound prevents the accumulation of body fat so you avoid being overweight, while the abundant anti -oxidant substances in mangosteen skin extract are useful for overcoming the signs of aging such as wrinkles and black spots on the face.

to cultivate mangosteen skin into juice, tea and other health drinks, easy way you can make your own at home with simple equipment without spending a lot of money.

actually if you do not have much time, you can buy mangosteen skin extract products that are sold in health stores and online stores, as well as similar herbal preparations (eg soursop leaf extract) the content of useful substances in it is the same, most importantly read the rules of use carefully.
below will i share the recipe how to make mangosteen skin juice

  • mangosteen skin is still fresh
  • sweeteners like sugar java, palm sugar or honey
  • water is cooked to taste
  • ice cubes if necessary
  • take the fresh fruit skin and then scrape the inside of a white membrane like a thread. to simplify this process, choose fresh fruit skin or buy mangosteen fruit and then use the skin.
  • enter into blender with water, process until smooth. adjust the amount of water with the amount of mangosteen skin to minmize the bitter taste.
  • pour into a glass then add honey or java sugar that has been destroyed so that bitterness can be reduced. stirring for a while. to be fresher, serve by adding ice cubes on it.
note  : 
in order for the efficacy of mangosteen skin juice for healt can be absorbed optimally by the body, immediately drink your artificial juice, do not be left too long exposed to air and sunlight because it can reduce the nutritional value in it.
drink a small amount of mangosteen extract for  a few days. the goal is to see the reaction and familiarize the organs of the natural substances contained in it.
it should be noted everyone has different levels of acceptance and tolerance for foreign substances that enter the body. even did not rule out the body will reject the intake of foreign substances if it is not suitable and alternatively , you can buy mangosteen peel extract that has been packaged as an herbal medicine product. choose products that have been registered with the MOH or have a certivicate of the food and drug supervisory agency  .

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