Monday 1 May 2017


tempe mendoan is a unique food of banyumas purwokerto wich is very famous all over indonesia, after previously i have divided the recipe about soto sokaraja this time i will share again the traditional tempe mendoan purwokerto recipe.tempe mendoan purwokerto divided into 2 kinds of tempe mendoan original and tempe mendoan crispy, tempe mendoan original shaped wet and tempe mendoan crispy crispy shaped dry and crunchy. the process is almost the same only frying in term of frying pan crispy longer and tempe and tempeh in thinly sliced. on this tempeh mendoan recipe this time i will for both two recipes spices and how to make it. and for the recipe how to make the purwokerto tempe mendoan very popular so that in every food stalls or street snacks are always easy to get, in addition to the relatively cheap price but also make a full stomach, let alone added with ketupat, the price of 1 tempe mendoan range between 500-1000 Rupiah depending on the size and size of the seller. very easy to make it so we can also practice it yourself at home, do not forget to stop by to purwokerto  to skip to taste delicious tempe mendoan typical of my beloved city. or we can buy raw tempeh just to be made at home or as gift for friends or relatives. we just peek how the recipe and how to make tempe mendoan in the description below.
good luck and do not forget to note,heheheee.

how to make tempe mendoan original

  • 500 grams tempeh (thinly sliced width)
  • 250 grams flour medium protein
  • 1 spoon tapioca flour
  • 400 ml water
  • 2 onion leaves ( finely sliced)
  • cooking oil used for frying
spicy seasoning 
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 1/2 spoons salt or powdered broth
  • 3/4 coriander
  • 1 cm kencur , if you do not like in skip only, this is characteristic mendoan purwokerto
how to make tempe mendoan typical purwokerto
  • the first step stir well flour, water and spice. then add the scallion, stir back until blended.
  • next dip the tempe one by one into the dough of seasoning flour, fry briefly into the hot oil lift, drain
tempe mendoan crispy recipe 
  • 250 grams thinly sliced
  • 75 gram rice flour
  • 25 gram starch
  • kucai 3 sticks, cut 1/2 cm
  • 125 ml water
  • 2 teaspoons coriander
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 cm kencur
  • salt to taste

  • first mix the rice flour and starchy flour with a fine spice, stir well while pouring with water little by little, stirring constantly until the dough is flat and slippery, put kucai and mix well
  • then heat the oil, dip the tempe one by one into the dough flour, fried until brownies and crispy.lift, drain.
sauce soybeans (stir flatters)
  • 5 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
  • 1 clove garlic (puree)
  • red pepper 4 pieces (puree / cut into small pieces)
  • 1/8 teaspoon
that's a glimpse of how to make tempe mendoan typical purwokerto. very easy and practical is not it? fit in eating with chili and enjoy the warm and cold weather. when it rains and the morning as a snack. that you for visiting this website and look forward to my next recipe.
see you later and greetings.

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