Saturday, 22 July 2017


banana chocolate is a very good roadside snack to enjoy with a cup of tea / coffe in the morning or afternoon. this snack often we met in wheelbarrow side street, i also really like this type of  food , but delicious and delicious, the price is also relatively cheap. whith the price of 500 rupiah per one/pieces or depends on the size and size of the chocolate banana served by the seller.
if you have liitle time to learn how to make this delicious meal, i will share the recipe and how to make it, because making chocolate bananas takes several steps and ingredients to be prepared, the ingredients that must be prepared are the skin of spring rolls as a banana wrapper later in the making process.
and techniques about the procedure of making this spring roll skin i will give for you guys. and tosave time because i'm sure you can not wait to see how and what mateials are needed.
the first is to make skin sprng rolls, the way is as follows.

dry spring rolls  leather recipe material
  • 100 gram wheat flour
  • 1 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 50 ml of cooking oil
  • enough water (+/- 200 ml/ 1 cup
how to make spring rolls for chocolate banana and various frying
  • disolve salt on a glass of water, stirring. make sure the salt is completely dissolved completely. set aside.
  • prepare the container , put the flour and egg whites, knead using hands until the dough is clumped and slightly dull.
  • this is the most important step. pour a little salt water (which we made) on the dough, knead again until the texture is evenly distributed.
  • do it over and over until the texture of the dough can be poured but not too thin.
  • this process aims to form fibers in the dough, if water is poured all directly on the dough then the dough will not have fiber. the result, lumpia skin will be easily torn even can be broken / broken because it becomes brittle or not flexible.
  • finally, pour the cooking oil on the dough and stir it evenly.
  • up here the dough is ready 
  • prepare a nonstick flat skillet
  • heat a skillet over a low heat
  • prepare a special brush of food that has dimensions quite wide, approximately as big as the palm of the hand.
  • dip the brush on the dough and then apply on the surface of the flat pan and form a circle.
  • do not apply over the fire yes, so that the dough evenly. raise the skillet first and then apply the dough. just estimate the thickness, do not be too thick too not too thin. size of the right thickness we will get after several tries.
  • put the pan again on the stove and let the spring roll until cooked and dry. characteristically, the skin of spring rolls has started to peel and lift.
  • remove the spring rolls and leave to cool. if it is dry enough, the lumpia skin can be stacked directly. but if it is still a bit moist and sticky worry, sprinkle the surface thinly using wheat flour. leather lumpia is now ready for use.


  • sufficient leather ready spring wear
  • sufficient banana kepok
  • 1 pack of ceres chocolate
  • to taste cheese
  • sufficient oil for frying
step to make banana chocolate
  • take 1 piece of ready- made spring rool skin
  • sprinkle meises ceres on the edge of the skin on one side only, then place the banana that has been halved on it. sprinkle meises ceres over bananas.
  • fold the skin like when folding risol. try meeting so meises ceres do not fall
  • fry in oil that has been heated until the color is cooked
  • simple chocolate banana easy to enkoy, hmmm very delicious , you can try it.
after step by step i have described, from how to make the skin lumpia/ spring roolsto the process of making the banana chocolate above, you can practice it yourself at home, or maybe will open a fried food stall this menu is very suitable to be developed because this type of food very much enthusiasts, hopefully this article useful for you all, and thank you for visiting this blog.
good luck

by deva..

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