mushroom is a plant that does not have chlorophyll so it it heterotroph, mushrooms are unicellular and multi cellular, his body consists of threads called hyphae. the hyphae can form a branched webbing called mycelium, reproduction of fungi, there is a vegetative way there is also a generative way, the fungus absorbs organic matter from the environment through the hyphae and its mycelium to obtain its food. afterwards, store it in glycogen, the fungus is the consumer, therefore the fungus depends on the substrate that provides carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and other chemical compunds. all the substances were obtained from the environment, as heterotrops, the fungus may be obligate parasite, facultative parasite, or saprophyte.
another way of living mushrooms is to do a symbiotic mutualism, mushrooms that live symbiosis, in addition to absorbing food from other organisms also produce certain substances that are beneficial to its symbitions. the symbiotic mutualism of fungi with plant can be seen in mycorhiza, fungi that live in the roots of a plant nuts or on lycen. fungi have habitat in various environments and associate with many organisms. although most live on land, some mushrooms exist that live in water and are associated with aquatic organisms. fungi that live in water are usually parasitic or saprophyte, and most are of the oomycetes class. mushrooms are divided into 4 divisio, namely zygomycota, ascomycota, basisiomycota, and deuteromycota.
how to cook mushroom soup sauce is very suitable when served in a state of warm and eaten during the rainy season or winter, like a recipe that i will share this the menu of mustard soup with mushrooms. this recipe is very easy to make because the necessary ingredients are also easy to get in the shop or market as well as supermarket, for the modern population at this time, the mushrooms are packed in cans, mushrooms soup is my favorite food, beside the delicious taste can also warm the body when the body fells cold, also good in consumption for the elderly who are hard to eat because of toothless teeth, hehehhee.
my mother often cook this mushroom soup when i get sick because my mother know my favorite food, even though tongue tasted bitter but i really enjoy, to know more what materials needed to make this mushroom soup i will just make as detailed as possible so that in the process of cooking mushroom soup is also easy, here is the ingredients and how to cook mushroom soup with chicory.
- 125 grams of chicken meat , cut into 3 x 3 cm size
- 1 1/2 wine to cook
- 1 teaspoon of soy sauce
- 1,5 liter of chicken broth
- 1/2 ginger crushed
- 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper powder
- 1 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 4 pieces of mushroom hioko or other , cut thin
- 2 spring onions, thinly sliced slices
- 3 pieces of chicory, cut into 3 cm
- 1 pieces of silk tofu, cut 1 cm across
how to cook
- coat the chicken with cooked wine and soy sauce. let stand for 15 minutes, set aside
- simmer the broth with ginger, pepper, and salt
- seasoned chicken and mushroom input, cooked until cooked
- add the spring onion and the chicory, boil back
- input pieces know , cook briefly until cooked, lift
- serve for 4 servings
calories per serving 49
that is a practical recipe how tomake mushroom soup with chicory is practical and very easy way to process it, whit this recipe you canmake yourself at home as a delicious dinner, may be useful for you all and see you again with my other recipes here on my favorite website, hehehhe.
thank you for visiting and bye.