Tuesday 25 April 2017


rice kabsah is a food that is very liked by many people, in the middle east of this food is very much enjoyed by the people there, even almost every restaurant serves this food, of course with a variety of flavors, such as kabsah chicken, cows, goats also have camel meat, it's a special spice flavor that can shake the tongue of anyone, including the tongue of indonesia though, do not believe it? just try it. you will fell addicted after tasting it. if you are difficult place to get this food, you can cook it yourself at home according to your taste, can with beef or goat also chicken choose your own favorit, below then i love the recipe how to cook rice kabsah so you can try yourself at home, to cook it you can collect the ingredients as follows.

for 8 servings
  • 1 chicken (clean,cut into 8 parts)
  • 2 pieces large onions (sliced according to taste)
  • 3 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 3 medium tomatoes (peeled, diced)
  • 2 blocks instant chicken broth (10 gram per block)
  • 1 pieces potato (peeled and diced, can be flipped)
  • 1 paprika (diced, i use paprika because there is no chili here) more steady with big chilli
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 800 gram rice (should be basmati rice but can be replaced ordinary long grain rice)
  • 1,6 it hot water and cooking oil sufficient
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon powder
  • 1 teaspoon cloves
  • 1 teaspoon the cardamon powder
  • 1 teaspoon coriander powder
  • 1 teaspoon powdered nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon ginger powder
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder
step 60 minutes

step how to make rice kabsah
  • saute chicken pieces with a little oil, just wait a little to change color on each side, no need to mature whole.
  • add the onion chunks, tomato slices and tomato paste, stir until blended and wait until the onion is quite wilted
  • add spices and salt, if there is no powder stay smoothing fresh ingredients only. i am looking for just practical so use powder
  • pour hot water and powdered block broth, i used 2 blocks of maggi chicken stock (10 grams per block), stir well, cook for 15-20 minutes.
  • after the chicken is cooked, remove the chicken and set aside, the later broth is used to cook rice (about 1.5 liter) for the dose of water depends on what rice is used.while waiting, wash the rice dispose of water
  • the next stage is cooking rice, heat oil +/- tablespoon, stir-fry potatoes for about 5 minutes. then enter the peppers.( for potatoes and bell peppers can be flipped, this is just a modification because rice can be put into broth and chicken sauce)
  • then add the washed rice and chicken that had been set aside, stir little
  • pour the broth from chicken stew beforehand . stir briefly, if it turns out the boiling broth is lacking for cooking rice, it can be enough added hot water again, cook about 8-10 minutes bring to a boil
  • after boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan, cook for +/- 30 minutes or until the rice is cooked.while stirring occasionally and taste correction (if not fast,hehehhee... )
  • after the rice cooked. turn off the fire and chicken kabsah rice ready to serve.
  • serve while warm and most fit eaten together let alone to break the fast.
  • well if there are confused what is the difference between rice kabsah and rice rice bath (mandi), this is the answer. kabsah is the name for his rice cooked with spices and broth. if the bath is the designation for the cooking techniques of meat, either goat meat , beef, chicken etc by baking, if the meat is roasted or burned separately into place of rice bath.;
so this article about how to make delicious rice kabsah, you can try to cook it yourself at home who know it feels much better with my way of cooking, because difference hand different taste, that old man said guys hehehhe. good luck and tank you.

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